Dan Scott & Dan Jones LIFT Project artist analysis

Dan Scott

sproutcol1Dan is a sound artist, meaning he makes unusual sounds by what we use in our everyday lives. he has completed an MA in Sound Arts at the London College of Communication, due to his art he's taken his recording equipment to perform exhibitions, concerts and residences all over Europe. He has lead several workshops and is a tutor on listening and aurality at Central School of Speech and Drama.  Look out for his work at the Roundhouse for NetAudio 2011.

my first impressions of dan's art work of the listen in is that i found it ok as of its not in my taste of art, but it was impresseive because the way he set up the radios to be playing the same thing and how that its meant to feel like your actually moving inbetween them.

As you can see there are a bunch of radios of them in a circle, in a little room preforming the same sound to create the feeling of someone moving inbetween them. It's in a white room and the radio's are black, the room looks big because the radios are in a big circle that looks like it can fit in 10/15 people in the circle
the name of the artist who made this piece is Dan Scott, which he's also part in the LIFT project, who works with sound because he's a sound artist, his work includes going around and recording interviews and sounds with using everyday objects and so travels to places in Europe for performences, exhabitions, concerts and residences.
The mood i get from this art work is that in a way its calm but interesting because its more than just listening to the radio, its acutally capturing the feeling of the sound around the person.
I think Dan has created this mood physically because of the radios producing the same sound in a circle giving that effect. I do like this piece of art work that Dan has
the artwork makes me think of that the radios are acting like the sun because its in a circle and instead of producing heat it produces sound and we hear the sound because of our ears just like the earth gets the heat because of the heat that's traveled. what I particularly like about this piece is that it produces sound from the radios giving the actual feeling of the sound around you. The artist has done well on using his sound art experiences and producing a piece that allows you to hear recorded sound in a room of radios                                              

Dan Jones
The fantastic composer and sound designer Dan Jones has just received a BAFTA Craft Award for his original music for Carnival/Channel 4’s adaptation of William Boyd’s novel “Any Human Heart”.
Dan sports an impressive CV of work and was the creator of LIFT 2010's Music for Seven Ice Cream Vans. Created by Dan, this project wove together a composition as the vans moved throughout the city's streets.