Summer Project - Window

Ice cream tissue; this tissue I collected from the Masci (via marcello lucarell via *road*) (Ice Cream place). This meant a lot to me because we go there every year and the workers know my Zio Franco (uncle Franco) and Zia teresa (aunt Teresa) and so they know my family. Most years I take the tissue to remind the fun times we've had at that place. The reason why I took it this time was because that it was our last day with my cousins in their area. They had to go to work in the morning and the parents didn't, so it was nice to have everyone around the table joking around and having fun.

Burn newspaper - this was the first time I was going to go for a jog and being me, I did it at the wrong time, but I was fully prepared, I had my new running shoes, litre of cold water, the right kit and a planned running track to where I was going to go. As I came the church  up the road from of nonna's house, I stopped to take a breather because the roads aren't flat, they go up and down, so it was tiring. So I stopped and drank some water and looked around me and I saw the burn up newspaper, which looked interesting because I thought It was relevant to what I felt at the time, which was hot because the newspaper was clearly burnt.

turle necklace - the turtle necklace came from the beach, which was funny because obviously me and my family are having fun playing in the sea and my dad starts to get his swimming gogles out and goes deep into the sea and so the necklace gets caught on to his foot and you can see he panics and starts to flipping around trying to get it off of him like a fish, then when he does he laughs and spins the necklace around his finger and throws it and it hits my little brother's head (Piero) then I took it off of him and put it in my swimming trunks pocket

as you can see there are photos of my family members and cousins which I took on the iPad 2 and some drawings of some photos that were took in the holiday. the reason why I used the iPad 2 for my camera was because it was always on and when ever I'm on it my family members are around and so it was a big help, but then again Mamma, Zia and Nonna hardly like taking photos, even though Papa was a photographer back in the day. then again I managed to take some photos of them, for my cousins it wasn't a problem getting photos from them because they know about the iPad 2 and so they just took it from me and had their own fun by taking some photos with the photo booth app, this app made everyone come together because it's just fun and funny to play with, I used that app when I went to one of my relatives house, it brought us together by the fact that I haven't seen my relative in a long time and we hardly spoke because obviously she hardly knows English and I can just about speak Italian and so we had some fun because the app makes effects to the photos and which we all loved

 close up of the photos, as you can see the middle photo me and Papa causally having fun taking photos of silly faces, we always do this because it's fun and funny to do, even the year before that we went camping somewhere in Italy and my dad was playing around with the camera because he was bored and it was getting kind of dark and so I crept up behind him and made silly faces and he'd always look how the photo was each time he took it, then when he saw me in the background he laughed and said "lets take more" and so I thought why not and did some more silly faces which he joined in.
the photo underneath it was a photo of my brother (Marco) which he took before the actual holiday and because he didn't come to the holiday I had to show my relatives of what he looks like now and so I thought I'd show them a funny one of him then a normal one. I drew on the Mario costume when I was in the square in Arpino and I randomly drew it on with the art app on the iPad 2 and once I finished, I showed it to the people around me and they laughed at it saying you should put it on facebook

these are the left over photos that I had to rearrange the photos to look presentable to the public, if had a religious theme to it because from where I'm from there's about three churches, it's a bit obvious that their religious, so I thought since the photos are from Italy I thought I'd dedicate the layout
the tissue from the top right has a smell of the pasta that I had, that sent of smell has a memory of Nonna making home made pasta for everyone and it was a good time because all of my family was there.

photos in a nice formation with the objects around it including the bracelet that I bought at the seaside, tissues of smell due to having pasta, broken wood off of a tree

inside the window shoot, as you can see there's my dangling photos and Aaron's photoshop work on the right

tissue from a small pizza place in Arpino, piece of wood from a a tree near by the pizza place, another burnt newspaper and photos 

completed window, full of memories of my holiday in Italy


Mr B said...

I really found the display of sources from your summer holidays fascinating. However you need to document every photo, video, drawing, found object in a detailed written diary. I want to get a much more indepth understanding of how you experienced your summer.