Experimental mark making

this are my experiments on mark making, meaning that i used objects that would be in a house hold such as the objects i used were a comb, brush, tooth brush, net, foam board and a spatchula, also I used the spatchula and the foam board to create an object for this experimental mark marking piece because I thought that since we're experimenting on objects that we hardly use I might as well mix two things together to create something new

this is the first page of my experiment where I used the tooth brush to create that turtle shape, which I found it weird because I would never used a tooth brush to paint and because of the brushes stems it was hard to control where I was meant to be going.

this is the foam board that I used in my experiment, which was fun for me because I decided to use two colours orange and blue, this made a nice effect on what way I would use the foam board, like as you can see I did a cross, so that it over layed the other colour

for this experiment I used a tooth brush and a foot massage stick, as you can see I painted a turtle with the tooth brush, which made this affect by giving it a swipe look to it, with the foot massage stick I painted with different colours and created some rainbow effect

as you can see I used a plastic net, which I painted different colours on top and during the painting the colours changed by mixing up because they were that close

as you can see I used a comb to create this image, i sued the stems part to make the green and yellow lines and used the back part to create the black patterens

In this photo you can see I experimented on with a Brush, in which I used to make these smudge circle effects and also printing down on the paper with the yellow paint

In this photo you can see I combined the foam board and the spatchula together, with the colours of blue, green, orange and black you can see it blends and forms a shape of the turtle necklace in the photo underneath

the is my final experimental mark making painting, of a turtle that is part of the turtle necklace


Mr B said...

Some beautiful markmaking!Can you show us how you are going to use these techniques in your experiments and developments towards the final outcome?