Cliche Verre Process and Response

As you can see in this photo the Cliche Verre process  shows that it's basically a way of creating a negative by hand, this process begins in a normal room drawing a person or anything onto Acetate then after go into the darkroom and use the machines that are required to process this element, meaning you'd have to use a special paper to place under the acetate drawing then to turn off and on the light switch of the machine because it's aiming down at the acetate and special paper, meaning that the image from the Acetate will give a negative affect on the special paper because of the black lines from the acetate drawing leaves white lines instead of black. after that the special paper would have to be dipped into three trays for a certain amount of different times in each one and in each tray it has a Developer, Fixer and water. The Cliche Verre Process was the earliest form of reproducing imeafes before the advention of the camera, so this process of reproducing images  has been used from a long time and it's still been used today.

the photos below shows the responses that I've made from my photos from my holiday to my drawings about the holiday. as you can see I drew my cousin Elio from the photo he took with the ipad 2, I drew the same photo out in my book in different materials and so I drew it on the acetate with a
permanent marker and by making the cliche verre process I used the dark room and the machines to process it

as you can see these are the first drawings of the photos on acetate with the permanent marker of  my cousin Elio 

I had it scanned in and printed out on acetate so that I can use it on the machines in the dark room because it's a safer way to keep the drawings due to any accidents that might occur  

in this frame I had a piece of card board and I covered the photo so that when the timer of the light stopped shining down on it, it would leave a mark, which as you can see I started from the bottom of the photo and worked my way up, leaving the plain white bar which you can see that the black bar is the least amount of time that the light has shined on.
another experiment that I did, by using the machine but leaving it for a good 10 seconds which as you can see it brings out the moment of me processing the drawing because of the scribbled marks of the drawing
same thing again but this time I gather all of the drawing and did it as one piece, which as again it really brings out the process of me drawing it


Mr B said...

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