Sarah Tucker experimenting with painting techniques

Sarah Tucker

Sarah has been developing and experimenting with wax resist techniques for many years, producing a wide body of work transformation of k:
Loch DromaTidal Flow'My aim is the colour perception resulting from the endless variations of the batik process. I work on cotton lawn, silk and Chinese hand-made papers. I sometimes use a canting,(a traditional batik tool - a wooden handle with a small metal cup with spout out of which the wax seeps) but often prefer to work with brushes and other techniques to apply the wax - the simpler the better. I also hand-paint dyes, but dip-dyeing remains crucial to my work; the colours are constantly changed, muted and transformed by the immediacy of the dye bath. I particularly enjoy the marbling effect created as the dye penetrates cracks in the wax. Batik for me means colour and change.'
            Sarah has run regular courses on batik for, amongst others, Morley College Lambeth, West Dean College Chichester and Hackney Community College. She has taught practical classes at Art In Action Waterperry, Oxford for a number of years.

This is an artist who creates wax resist paintings and as you can see it's really come together due to the first picture, showing the detail of the rocks which they standout because of the crayon. you can clearly see that she's painted the sea more with the water paints and given us some crayon detail. to me for this painting, everything stands out and I think that the point of wax resist paintings is to capture the little things with more detail to make them standout other than the bigger things.

first impressions
my first impressions about this artist's work was that it was amazing how she worked with the two different types of art material and made it into something beautiful

what materials and processes have been used
In this picture above I can see the water paint is used as the sky and the water mostly yet its used again for the sand near the stones, the crayon is used for the mountains and the stones to give it a more rough look. There are many different colours in this picture such as blue, brown, green beige and so on.

Background information
the name of the artist who made this piece is called Sarah Trucker  and the title of this work is tidal wave (The bottom picture) I am guessing from the website that Sarah Trucker produced this work in the year 2010 other than that it doesn't have any information

I think that the picture is about peace on mother earth because this work really shows me that everything can be quiet if we let nature do its part because all you see is what the earth has created and there's nothing manmade in the picture. what mood I get from this work is that it just makes me calm and would want to produce something like this by going out there and do it, so really a motivation.

what do you think of it
when i look at this work I can Imagine that I can hear the tide going in and out, taste the sea water through the air, smell the dirty mud and the sea water together and also feel the wind go passed me, with little drops of the sea water sliding across my face as the wave clashes with the sand and the rocks
This is experiment for the wax resist technique. I found it hard to work with because I don't usually do this on a regular basis and so i thought the outcome was really good because the crayon and the water paint really mix well with each other 

as you can see me working on one of the wax resist techniques paint, by using the green crayon drawing the outline of the flower then using the water paint to create the tone and colour of the flower into my wax resist and as you can see it's really starting to work, the crayon and the water paint begin to work with each other