mono prints

These are my Mono Prints that I made, by using acrylic paint and objects that we could use other than a random object. the things that I used was my fingers and a pencil. I thought this process was interesting yet hard because you'd have to get the right amount of acrylic paint on the board so, that it will come out clear, for example the face in the middle shows it being clear and also by using the pencil really does give it detail to what it originally was
this design was used by my holiday photo drawing that I drew from the holiday photos and so I think it's a great development because it's been through different materials and types of art

the yellow paint of this mono print wasn't finished but as you can slightly see there's an eye and the wringles and a line forming the nose, this was meant to be a drawing of a monkey that I drew on the aeroplane whilst going to Italy.


Mr B said...

I really like these mono print experiments. However you need a much wider range of experiments and your explanation of the processes and techniques needs clarifying. Maybe you could attend the intervention after school to get some help with the written aspects of your posts. You also need to consistently link your work to other art and artists if you are to achieve your target grades.